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【IFoA】Specialist Principle Subject, SP9-Enterprise Risk Managemnet



課程大綱 (Syllabus) 


Syllabus for SP9: Download

學習目的 Aim
The aim of the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Specialist Principles subject is to instil in successful candidates the key principles underlying the implementation and application of ERM within an organisation, including governance and process as well as quantitative methods of risk measurement and modelling. The student should gain the ability to apply the knowledge and understanding of ERM practices to any type of organisation.

學習標的 Objectives
  ERM concept and framework
  ERM process
  Risk categories and identification
  Risk modelling and aggregation of risks
  Risk measurement and assessment
  Risk management tools and techniques
  Capital management


重點提綱 (Core Reading)


for the 2024 exams  

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考試教材 (Studying Material)


Learning portal for SP9


The Core Reading for SP9 includes references to material in the following sources: (IFoA 參考網址)


1.1 Financial enterprise risk management. 2nd ed. ** Sweeting, P. Cambridge University Press, 2017. ISBN: 9781107184619

      (Borrow from libraries) | Access ebook after member login to Actuarial Knowledge Hub or via Athens )

      - see special instructions below.

1.2 Financial enterprise risk management. [1st ed.] ** Sweeting, P. Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780521111645
      (Borrow from libraries | Access eBook after member login to IFoA eLibrary via Athens*) [Errata for 1st edition book]


2. Enterprise risk management from incentives to controls. 2nd ed. Lam, J. Wiley, 2014.

    (Borrow from libraries) | Access eBook after member login to IFoA eLibrary via Athens*)


3. Practice Note on enterprise risk management for capital and solvency purposes in the insurance industry

    International Actuarial Association. 31 March 2009


4. Insurance criteria: Evaluating the enterprise risk management practices of insurance companies.. Standard & Poor's.




Details of direct references to these sources are given in the appropriate Units of the Core Reading.


* Please contact Library Service to request an Athens account, available to IFoA members and Affiliates.


** Note: 

The second edition of Financial Enterprise Risk Management by Paul Sweeting, published in 2017, is the core reading cited for this exam since 2018. The IFoA Library service now makes this available as an ebook. IFoA members and students can login with their member credentials here, reaching the Actuarial Knowledge Hub, where the book title is listed top among eBooks and Journals. The first edition remains available and is available to borrow or access as an ebook.



   ●  第一本(1st ed.)及第二本書籍,本學會目前備有藏書一份可供會員參閱,每次借閱時間為三天。
   ●  第三本及第四本可自行下載。 
 ●  報名參加考試的會員請來信告知,由秘書處統一協助取得Athens portal的eBook帳號密碼,應試者可從網站上借閱下載。 



線上考試須知 (Instructions for sitting IFoA online examinations)



 1.  線上考試須知 



 2.  應試手冊 (Examinations Handbook)



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歷屆考題連結 (Past exam papers and examiners' reports)


      ◆【IFoA】SP9 歷屆考題