On Sunday, November 20th, the Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA) hosted the official dinner during the IAA Council and Committee meetings in Cape Town, South Africa. With ASSA’s blessing and excitement, delegates and guests celebrated the upcoming retirement of IAA Executive Director, Nicole Séguin.
The venue was bursting at the seams with fond memories of Nicole’s career and everyone’s emotions ranged from happiness in celebration of her well-deserved retirement to profound sadness of seeing her go.
In front of an audience of almost 300 people wearing the same shirt*, President Malcolm Campbell led the retirement festivities with a humorous yet nostalgic speech and presented Nicole with many gifts including her very own copy of the Stochastic Modelling book!
More gifts were presented, hugs were given and tears were shed until this memorable evening came to an end.
Click here to see what Nicole is watching! |
Click here to read the messages that were displayed on the screen during the evening! |
Surprise entertainment! Click here to see Dave Sandberg (Chairperson, Insurance Regulation) and Darryl Wagner’s (Chairperson, Asia) tribute to Nicole! |
*ASSA commissioned a local artist to draw a caricature of Nicole and the 2016 IAA Officers on the face of Table Mountain. The caricature was printed on T-shirts which everyone wore amusingly throughout the evening. The original artwork was presented to Nicole during the Council meeting the following day.
Thank you ASSA!!!
Anne Lamarche, CMP
Meeting Manager / Responsable, service des réunions
International Actuarial Association - Association Actuarielle Internationale
99 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1203
Ottawa, Ontario (Canada) K1P 6L7
Tel : 613-236-0886, ext. :137 Fax : 613-236-1386
Email/courriel : anne.lamarche@actuaries.org
Website / site web : www.actuaries.org