新加坡精算學會 (ASA) 於2017/5/25-26舉辦之「 9th General Insurance Conference 2017」會議~
【會議議題】"Disrupt or Be Disrupted"
-Artificial Intelligence
-IBNR Robot
-Actuarially Disrupting
-Using both sides of the balance sheet
-Disruption is a risk management issue
-The role of the actuary of the future
-GLM reaches its Kodak time
-The future of Motor Insurance~Beyond the Horizon
-IRFS 17~The elephant in the room
-Machine Learning is the future of Analytics
-My first 100 days inside a start-up
-Making Sense of Nat Cat Risk
-Little Data
-Cyber Risks
-Autonomous Vehicles
-Thursday Afternoon Session Sponsored by Casualty Actuarial Society
詳請參閱連結 【SAS】9th General Insurance Conference 2017,謝謝!