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【SOA】ASA and FSA Changes Announcement


謹轉知 美國精算學會(SOA ) 有關 ASA and FSA 課程變動 資訊如下供參!


FSA Track Changes Beginning in Late 2018



In 2016, the SOA has announced some changes in the ASA and CERA curriculum.  Details of the changes can be found

in below website: https://www.soa.org/curriculum-changes/about-changes/


Given the upcoming changes to the ASA requirements, the learning objectives, exams and modules of the Fellowship-level

tracks are also being restructured to optimize learning and build on the enhanced ASA pathway. The current exam track

structure of two 5-hour exams and one 2-hour exam (with an option to use the 4-hour ERM exam and also earn a CERA)

will be retained.


Please kindly find the website with related details for your reference:


In case of difficulty in accessing the above link, attached please kindly find a PDF version for your easy reference too.


Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service team at  
