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CAS International Webinar – Big Data in Insurance
26 Feb 2019 12:00pm HKT
PLEASE NOTE: This webinar is free for CAS Members and iCAS Members and will take place at Noon in Hong Kong on February 26. The Multiple Registration Fee is not available for this event.
A simple Google search for 'big data definition' returns over 70M hits in less than one second, and only one definition appears more than once among the first dozen hits. Is the fact that this volume and variety can be accessed with such velocity a testament to the democratization of data, or is the lack of clear veracity for any one definition a sign of revolution to come? Will insurance uses of big data be decided by insurance professionals like actuaries or regulators, or will consumers be the ultimate decision makers of how their data is used in insurance and beyond? In this session we use case studies to examine issues and stories surrounding big data in insurance, with a focus on regulation and governance issues.
Intended Audience: This international webinar will be of interest to CAS members outside of North America, and of particular interest to actuaries working with Data Management, Predictive Modeling, Programming/Software Development, Regulation, and Underwriting/Marketing.
• Laura Panesso Laura Panesso, CPCU ISO Laura Panesso has been with ISO for 20 years holding various positions of increasing responsibility in data management and analysis, analytic product management, and government relations. In her current position as Assistant Vice President - State Relations, Laura manages ISO's insurance department interactions including regulatory filings and issues associated with ISO’s forms, rules, and loss costs and provides leadership in the regulatory acceptance of ISO's predictive modeling based filings. Laura also manages all aspects of ISO's statistical agent functions. She received a BS in Applied Mathematics from New Jersey Institute of Technology, an MA in History, and holds the CPCU designation.
• Jim Weiss Jim Weiss is an actuary at Crum & Forster who specializes in predictive analytics. Previously he held various pricing, modeling, and data management roles at ISO from 2003 through 2018. He is a Fellow of the CAS and a Certified Specialist in Predictive Analytics. Jim was chairperson of the CAS Working Party researching microinsurance from 2016 and 2017, and served as president of the Casualty Actuaries of Greater New York from 2017 to 2018.
To register please visit: https://www.pathlms.com/cas/courses/10441/webinars/4861 .