國際精算學會 (International Actuarial Association, IAA) 2020將於5/2-5/8於比利時布魯塞爾舉行,
此次亦為比利時精算師協會(IA | BE)成立125週年慶,1895年第一屆IAA會員大會(the first International Congress of Actuaries)亦在此地舉行,極具歷史意義。
Overview :
The committee meetings will take place from Monday, May 4 to Wednesday, May 6 | |
Saturday, May 2 | Afternoon - Executive Committee (Part I) |
Sunday, May 3 | Full day - The new Strategic Planning Committee |
Wednesday, May 6 | Official dinner hosted by the Institut des Actuaires en Belgique |
Thursday, May 7 | Morning - Council |
Afternoon - Leaders training sessions (more information to follow once it becomes available | |
Friday, May 8 | Morning - Executive Committee (Part II) |