IAA 通知 2020下半年年會原於加拿大渥太華舉行,改以虛擬會議進行,並公布2021-2022年會時程。
詳細訊息請參閱 IAA網站 公告
Council and Committee Meetings (理事會與委員會)
The purpose of the IAA is to encourage the development of a global profession, which will ensure that the public interest is served. A key component in achieving the goals of the IAA is the work that is carried out through our Council and Committee meetings which take place twice a year in various regions of the world. These meetings provide an opportunity for numerous groups to gather over several days to discuss ongoing projects and consider new developments. In bringing together actuaries and other experts from around the world, these meetings are key events for the international actuarial profession and the global financial industry to network and collaborate.
Please see below for the list of upcoming Council and Committee meetings.
Congress -32nd International Congress of Actuaries (會員大會)