美國精算學會(SOA)將於2021年6月17至18日舉辦「2021 SOA Asia-Pacific Annual Symposium」,台北地區由本學會協辦。 本次的主題為" Future Horizon- impact of pandemic on risk management, financial reporting and product management"。 敬邀香港、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、南韓、日本、印尼、 菲律賓及澳洲等亞太地區的精算師參與盛會。
今年度Symposium採Hybird-線上(其他地區)及現場(台北地區)形式舉行,其他地區於SOA網頁報名,台北地區於學會網頁報名。 兩日會議內容精采豐富,並區分四個不同的主題場次Track A、B、C、D,邀請有豐富實務經驗之講師針對下列議題分享, 報名者可依據其專業領域方向,報名相關課程。 |
◆ 6/17 Trak A - IFRS17 ◆ 6/17 Trak B - Digital/Data analysis ◆ 6/18 Trak C - Product Design & Development ◆ 6/18 Trak D - ERM/ALM/Low interest rate |
※全程以英文授課 ※鑒於國際疫情未見趨緩部分國外講師尚不便入境,本次研討會採行Hybrid形式,國外講師及其他地區報名者使用Webex視訊軟體,台灣報名者於會場實體參加。(請出席學員配戴口罩出席,並配合大樓場所測量體溫與酒精消毒雙手)
歡迎保險及金控公司、再保公司、顧問公司等精算、投資、財務、商品、風控相關人員及其他企畫等部門有興趣者,多多踴躍參加。 |
協辦單位 |
Sessions |
Topics |
MCs | Speakers |
08:30-09:00 |
Registration and Welcome break | |||
09:00-09:15 | Welcome Remarks-Organizing Committee | Vicki Chang |
Alan Lin |
09:15-09:40 | Welcome Remarks-SOA & AICT President |
AICT-Jeremy Kan SOA-Roy Goldman |
09:40-10:20 | Keynote Speech 1 | Future of Insurance |
Angat Sandhu |
10:20-11:00 |
Keynote Speech 2 |
Prolonged low interest environment for Asia insurers |
Tze Ping Chng |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee Break |
11:30-12:30 | Session 1 |
The Impact of IFRS 17 and Insights into Implementation |
Alan Lin |
Martin Zhao Ophelia Au Yeung |
12:30-12:40 |
Lucky Draw |
Alan Lin | ||
12:40-14:00 | Lunch | |||
14:00-14:30 | Session 2 |
Track A Mythbusters IFRS17: Perception versus reality |
Vicki Chang |
Hassan Odierno Nurul Syuhada Nurazm |
Track B Augmenting underwriting and claims with AI |
Stuart Tang | Lee Sarkin | ||
14:30-15:00 |
Session 3 |
Track A Mythbusters IFRS17: Perception versus reality |
Vicki Chang |
Hassan Odierno Nurul Syuhada Nurazm |
Track B Actuary2.0 - Actuaries and digital insurance in the real world |
Stuart Tang |
Allan Wong Bob Charles |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break | |||
15:30-16:30 | Session 4 |
Track A How do I know my IFRS17 numbers are calculated correctly? |
Vicki Chang |
Ka Hei Choi Mike Stranger |
15:30-16:00 |
Track B The Rise of Digital Life Insurers: Are They Able to Crack the Market? |
Stuart Tang |
Michael Chan |
16:00-16:30 | Session 5 |
Track B Actuaries Joining Forces with Data Scientists to Achieve Analytical Excellence |
Stuart Tang |
Fiona Tang Jacky Ng |
18:00-19:00 | Virtual Quiz Night (optional) | On-Line |
*5 CPD (1CPD=50mins) |
Sessions |
Topics |
MCs | Speakers |
08:30-09:00 |
Onsite Registration |
09:00-09:30 | Session 6 |
Track C Life and Health Industry Remade by COVID-19 - Hong Kong |
Yudhis Dharmawata |
Albert Chu |
Track D Global Emerging Risks |
Boon Yoon Ho |
Dale Hall |
09:30-10:00 | Session 7 |
Track C COVID-19 Pandemic - A Stumbling Block or Catalyst to Insurance Product Development? |
Yudhis Dharmawata |
Kay Shong |
Track D Managing credit assets in a low interest rate environment |
Boon Yoon Ho |
Brett Manning Tomer Yahalom |
10:00-10:30 |
Session 8 | Track C
Post-Retirement Product Design & Development |
Yudhis Dharmawata |
Calvin Chiu Elvin Tharm |
Track D Life Insurance Capital Regimes in Asia: Recent Developments and Outlook |
Boon Yoon Ho |
Clement Bonnet Scott Chow |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee Break |
11:00-11:30 |
Session 9 |
Track C Microinsurance: The Pioneer Life Inc. Experience |
Yudhis Dharmawata |
Rodirick Takiang |
Track D Conduct Risk Developments impacting Asian Insurers |
Boon Yoon Ho |
Jens Kessler |
11:30-12:00 | Session 10 |
Track C Post-Pandemic: Where to From Here? An Exploration of Living Benefits, Digitalization and Partnership. |
Yudhis Dharmawata |
Bryce Shepherd |
Track D Operational Risk: Lessons Learned in the Corporate Sector |
Boon Yoon Ho |
James Wong |
12:00-13:20 |
Lunch |
13:20-13:30 | Lucky Draw | Sam Yeung | ||
13:30-14:30 | Session 11 |
The evolution of InsurTech in Asia |
Alex Leung George Kesselman |
14:30-15:00 | Coffee Break | |||
15:00-16:00 |
Session 12 |
Weather Through Turmoil: Application of Economic Capital Model |
Questor Ng |
Gavin Maistry Tushar Chatterjee |
16:00-16:15 |
Closing Remark |
SOA-Andy Peterson |
*5.4 CPD (1CPD=50mins) | |
※ 本次研討會無提供紙本教材,一律提供講義電子檔(email),以落實節能減碳。 |
Please refer to Program Book(含議程) | 講師簡歷 | FAQ for more information. |
(1) 個人會員須於線上報名並全額付款後,才屬完成報名程序,以確保您的與會席次。 (2) 為便利連絡,煩請團體會員由貴單位聯絡人統一登記後於報名截止日前至學會網站研討會報名系統報名並完成款項支付,才屬完成報名程序;另外國外報名者無法進行團體報名。 (3) 學術機構報名者,請聯繫 學會秘書處 協助處理報名及繳費事宜。 (4) 學會協助對台北地區報名者發送同意函,詢問是否同意將個人姓名、公司、電子郵箱之個人訊息分享予主辦單位、贊助商及與會者,若有其他意見請連繫 學會秘書處 。
(1) 若由於天災或其他不可抗力因素,導致聯合研討會無法如期舉行,主辦單位保有取消或延期舉辦之權利,並且主辦單位不對由此造成的延誤、損失、增加的費用或其他不利條件之相關索賠擔負責任。 (2) 於報名截止日(含)前通知本會取消報名者僅退費80%,報名截止日後將不予退費。
金 級 Gold
中央再保險為國內唯一本土專業再保險公司,主要業務係承受與轉分國內外保險業之財產及人身再保險業務。 中央再保公司於1968年10月31日由財政部設立,以建立國家再保險制度,促進國內保險事業健全發展為宗旨;為因應企業自由化及國際化的潮流並提升競爭力,本公司於2002年7月11日完成民營化,民營化後長榮集團成為本公司最大股東,本公司第二大股東為財政部。 展望未來,中央再保險將持續本著「挑戰、創新、團隊」的企業精神,深耕台灣、放眼國際,以成為亞洲最佳再保險公司為目標。 |
Moody's Analytics provides financial intelligence and analytical tools to help business leaders make better, faster decisions. Our deep risk expertise, expansive information resources, and innovative application of technology help our clients confidently navigate an evolving marketplace. We are known for our industry-leading and award-winning solutions, made up of research, data, software, and professional services, assembled to deliver a seamless customer experience. We create confidence in thousands of organizations worldwide, with our commitment to excellence, open mindset approach, and focus on meeting customer needs. For more information about Moody's Analytics, visit www.moodysanalytics.com. Moody's Analytics is a subsidiary of Moody's Corporation (NYSE: MCO). MCO reported revenue of $4.4 billion in 2018, employs approximately 13,100 people worldwide and maintains a presence in 42 countries. |
Timely service, product development and facultative expertise have been the driving forces in establishing RGA Taiwan as a market-leading life reinsurer. Since 2009, RGA Taiwan has been named "Best Life Reinsurer" three times by Risk Management, Insurance & Finance magazine, receiving the highest possible rating (AAA) in all four categories evaluated — Professionalism, Potential for Development, Services, and Overall Performance. RGA also was ranked #1 by ceding companies on NMG Consulting's 2020 All Respondent Business Capability Index in Taiwan for the fifth consecutive year. |
瑞士再保險集團是一家領先的再保險、保險和其他保險型風險轉移方式的批量業務提供商。集團以直接交易方式和通過經紀公司方式開展業務,全球客戶包括保險公司、大中型企業和公共部門客戶。從標準產品至各個險種的量身定制保險保障,瑞士再保險都能充分利用其資本實力、專長和創新能力,幫助承擔企業和社會發展過程中的風險。 瑞士再保險於 1863 年在瑞士蘇黎世創立,在風險保障、解決方案及服務等方面聲譽卓著。瑞士再保險的策略是以可持續發展和盈利增長為核心,有效利用資本,重視與客戶發展密切而互利的關係。公司的市場地位、業務多樣性、資本實力、風險管理方法在保險界享負盛名。瑞士再保險自 1956 年起已在亞太地區開展業務,在中國、日本、韓國、新加坡、印度和澳大利亞等國家設有多個辦事機構 |
銀 級 Silver | |
~英文版訊息 2021 SOA 11th Asia-Pacific Annual Symposium~ |