【CERA SEMINAR】CERAVISION...SAVE THE DATE - 25 October 2023, 10:00 - 16:00 CEST

Free Registration is now open!
Don't miss out on your chance to hear from leading experts in ERM and earn high-quality CPD.
Join us for a day packed with insight, inspiration, and limitless possibilities.
- High-energy presentations: Leading experts will take you through the dynamic world of enterprise risk management.
- Virtual networking: Connect with like-minded professionals, share insights, and expand your global network.
- Interactive sessions: Dive deep into risk assessment strategies, risk mitigation techniques and professionalism through an ERM lens.
By registering for CERAVISION, you agree to the Terms and Conditions for this event.
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We are delighted to present the following programme:
- Karina Schreiber, Allianz | AI in Insurances: A revolution or a threat?
- Stephane Loisel, ISFA, Univ. Lyon 1 | Managing climate change risks in insurance
- Mosimanegape Molefi, Debswana Diamond Company | Integrated Risk Reporting Framework – making resilient decisions in a VUCA world
- Andreas Tsanakas, Bayes Business School | Sensitivity Analysis
- John Manistre, Retired | The Risk Adjusted Scenario Set (RASS)
- Panel discussion on professionalism through the ERM lens. Chaired by Ron Hersmis, with Kathy Wong, Bozenna Hinton, Christophe Heck and Peter Withey