Webinar: Reserving for Climate Change: The Emerging Risk Frontier
日期: 12/10(二) 8pm (Taipei Time)
方式: 視訊會議 Zoom
Most actuarial discussions focus on the future risks arising from climate change for P&C insurers. But many firms will already
have liabilities on their balance sheets now. The liability landscape for firms is complex, emerging and uncertain, and the
application of professional obligations on reserving actuaries unclear. How should reserving actuaries currently be bringing their
skills to bear in a manner that helps the users of their work understand the emerging issues in a practical and proportionate fashion?
This webinar builds on the prize-winning work of the UK IFoA’s Climate Change Reserving Working Party, and will discuss:
• The current litigation landscape
• Practical steps to model climate liabilities
• Good practice Board communication
• Results of a recent survey of current actuarial practice
We are also pleased to share the recording of the webinar on Implications of COVID-19 Protection Gaps. The paper,
presentation and Presentation and Recording are available on the IAA Website.