Please see the attached memorandum from Peter Withey, Chair, Professionalism Committee (PC) of the IAA, regarding the exposure draft of the proposed International Actuarial Note 300 on Professional Judgement (IAN 300) .
The attached exposure draft was developed by Task Force of the PC and has been duly approved by the PC in accordance with Due Process for development of International Actuarial Notes.
Please distribute this exposure draft widely within your organization, and to any other interested parties in your jurisdiction.
These documents are also available on the IAA website under Publications / IANs.
The deadline to comment on this exposure draft is 19 February 2025.
We kindly request you to follow the instructions in the attached transmittal memorandum and use the attached comment template when submitting comments.
If you have any comment on this, please provide your feedback to the Actuarial Institute of Chinese Taipei by 19 February,
the e-mail:secretariat@airc.org.tw. We will collect all reponses and conclude these feedback to IAA.